Second life login
Second life login

second life login

You may need to try logging into a region by name. The beta grid, Aditi, has a much smaller list of regions that exist on this grid. Please contact support and we will be happy to do so for you! If you have updated your password recently, your account will need to be synched with the beta grid. If you receive an error, please reach out to support to let us know. Enter your username and password, and click Log In.The official Second Life viewer can be downloaded here. Once you've logged in once you can return to the viewer of your choice. Note: The very first time that you log in to the beta grid, you will want to log in using the official Second Life viewer. Select Second Life Beta Test Grid (Aditi). On the login screen, there will now be a drop down underneath the dialog box that normally says My Home or Last Location.Check Show Grid Selection at login, and click OK.In your viewer menu, select Me > Preferences ( Ctrl+P).You can enable this from the log in scree, or while logged in world: Once you have been granted access, please ensure you have enabled your preferences to show grid selection on the login page. Please Note: Be sure to submit a ticket to request that your avatar be copied to the Beta Grid any time you need to update your password or inventory on Aditi, as content and passwords are not necessarily automatically updated. Alternatively, if you have a Premium or Premium Plus membership, you may request access via Live Chat any day during operating hours. You will need to file your ticket under the type Account Issue, and choose Viewer Login Issues from the second drop down. To do so, please submit a support ticket using the Submit A Ticket button on the top right of your page.

second life login

In order to access the Beta Grid ( Aditi) for the first time, you will need to request access from Support.

Second life login